Exhibitor Profile

Company Information
- Business Name: CERTUS S.A.C
- Customer Service Email: kasandra.reynoso@cerv.com.pe
- Address and Location: Cal. Melgar Nro. 319 Dpto. 301, Arequipa, 04013
- Phone: 519581976
Description of the company
At CERV, we design, develop, and market solutions for the training and development of personnel in the areas of safety, maintenance, and operations, aligned with Industry 4.0. As added value, we utilize VR, AR, AI & Metaverse technologies, which enhance information assimilation by over 75% through a multi-channel methodology (auditory, visual, experiential, and interactive), compared to the 25% assimilation rate of traditional solutions prevailing in the industry.
Products and Services
Training B2C: Sale of training services to the general public - e.g., Future Miners, through CERV's training centers. COMPREHENSIVE TRAINING SYSTEM - CERV
Mining Companies (B2B): Development of content for safety, maintenance, and operations training. Utilizes interactive workshops, audiovisuals, images, quiz diagrams, end-to-end evaluation, and instant line profitability assessment. E-LEARNING - CERV
Mining Companies (B2B): Sale of VR simulators for High-Risk Work, Defensive Driving for Light and Semi-Heavy Vehicles. Once per sale. The VR Simulators are designed and developed by CERV, both Software and Hardware. VR SIMULATORS - CERV
METACERV: Training platform that enhances workers' competencies and reduces losses due to accidents through collaborative learning in the metaverse. METACERV - CERV