Exhibitor Profile

Description of the company
The Petersen Group is a group of Argentine companies with a presence in all regions of the country. It diversifies into areas such as engineering and construction, finance, fintech solutions, agribusiness, and urban services. Born in 1920 as an Engineering and Construction company, the Petersen Group has carried out throughout its history a significant number of public and private works in Argentina and neighboring countries. In the mid-1990s, it began a process of transformation and expansion of its businesses, venturing into other strategic sectors of the Argentine economy. The Petersen Group was formed taking its name from "Petersen, Thiele & Cruz Architects and Engineers". It is currently one of the most important economic groups in Argentina, it belongs entirely to the Eskenazi family and its president is Enrique Eskenazi. The Petersen Group allocates its own resources to carry out continuous, voluntary and systematic actions of Private Social Investment through its 4 foundations, within the framework of its commitment to the communities of the regions where it develops its commercial activities. The companies that make up the Petersen Group are: Petersen, Thiele & Cruz; Banco Santa Fe; Banco Entre Ríos; Banco San Juan; Banco Santa Cruz; Maintenance and Services; Qualia; ASJ Services; Plus Pagos and Santa Sylvia.
Products and Services
Financial tools and solutions for projects and their entire value chain.