Exhibitor Profile

Stand: C-64
Company Information
- Business Name: DELTA MINING S.A.
- Customer Service Email: info@deltamining.com.ar
- Address and Location: calle guemes 1679 sur - Capital, Capital,San Juan, 5400
- Phone: 54 9 2646758820
Description of the company
At Delta Mining, we offer high-altitude road opening services, earthmoving, leveling, and land cleaning. To accomplish this, we have exclusive, high-quality equipment and trained personnel to provide the best service to our clients. Additionally, we carry out groundwork for drilling, excavations, and trenches. We also offer, among other services, comprehensive transportation and fuel distribution. We have units authorized for the transportation of hazardous goods and drivers licensed for fuel transportation. We possess exclusive, high-quality equipment and trained personnel to provide the best service to our clients.
Products and Services
- Road Maintenance.
- Fuel Distribution.
- Delta Mining