Expo San Juan 2024

Exhibitor Profile


Stand: F-255
Engineering ServicesConsulting ServicesEnvironmental ServicesProject ManagementGeology and GeosciencesTechnical ConsultingEnvironmental MonitoringGeological ExplorationEnvironmental ConsultingDrilling servicesProject and financing facilitator

Company Information

  • Business Name:  HIDROAR S.A.

Description of the company

HIDROAR S.A. is a consulting firm established in 1981 and integrated by specialists in various aspects of natural resources in general and geology in particular. Its field of activity includes hydrology, prospecting, groundwater evaluation and development, water resources use planning, irrigation, geology applied to engineering, environmental impact assessment, sanitation and related subjects. To reaffirm its commitment to its clients, Hidroar S.A. has an Integrated Management System (IMS), which has been ISO 9001:2015 certified since 2000.

Products and Services

Hydrogeological services - Prospecting-exploration studies - Mathematical models and resource evaluation - Supply and distribution works - Groundwater management and monitoring - Geophysical studies - Supply wells and monitors - Surface water (water risk, gauging, control)
Environmental services - Characterization of contaminated sites - Aquifer remediation - Passive and active treatments - Environmental audits and monitoring - Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) - Environmental Baselines (LBA) - Environmental Audits (Res. SE N° 785/05)

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