Expo San Juan 2024

Exhibitor Profile


Stand: D116D117
Patrimonial security

Company Information

  • Business Name:  HUARPE S.R.L
  • Customer Service Email:  comercial@huarpeseguridad.com

Social Media

Description of the company

"Huarpe S.R.L., Private Security, was founded in 2009, as a result of the entrepreneurial and fighting spirit that has always characterized the Cárcamo - Di Lernia couple. It was in 1999 when the project of designing and creating Huarpe S.R.L. began, in honor of the native people who inhabited this Cuyo region. The early days were challenging, with much to learn, but perseverance, honesty in word and deed, total quality, and management focused on human resources, as intensive working capital, and the client, as the recipient of our services, were the pillars upon which the company's philosophy was built, which over time became the culture of the organization.

By the year 2010, the first 3 employees were hired, marking the initial experience in payroll processing and social and tax commitments. A path of growth began with broad acceptance in the market, where continuous growth did not stop, reaching 250 employees by 2018, with a presence in private, state, and mining sectors.

The responsibility of leading this great team and being able to continue supporting more than 250 families motivated us to develop areas and services that allow the sustainability of the organization and the expansion of our range of services. In this context, starting in 2018, we inaugurated the Caudales Division, authorized by the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic and the National Agency of Controlled Materials, providing services with brand new armored vehicles equipped with modern communication technology for real-time monitoring and continuous tracking without communication interruptions. This feature makes us unique in the market. We started with two armored units in 2018 and by 2023, we had 11 armored units operating in San Juan, Mendoza, San Luis, and La Rioja.

To all this, we add our modern and new own operations plant, from where we coordinate the entire operation. Established in the sector, HUARPE SRL stands as a flexible and comprehensive organization, with extensive operational capacity, supported in San Juan, Mendoza, San Luis, La Rioja, and Jujuy."

Products and Services

"Private Security Service Valuables Transportation Airport Security (in private security and valuables transportation) Cargo Escort in Transit Unidentified Armored Vehicle"