Expo San Juan 2024

Exhibitor Profile


Stand: A-09
Electrical conductor suppliers

Company Information

  • Business Name:  MARLEW S.A.
  • Customer Service Email:  ventas@marlew.com.ar
  • Address and Location:  Camila O´Gorman 412, piso 10 y 15 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires C1107DED

Description of the company

We are an Argentine company with over 50 years of experience in manufacturing electrical conductors. Our leadership in the Argentine market for special low-voltage cables allows us to project ourselves internationally in a sustainable manner. We have an engineering department specialized in the development and design of products according to the technical requirements of each project, positioning us at the forefront in terms of specialized technical advice.

Products and Services

  • Electric Conductors.

Social Media


Instrumentar, Potenciar, Fuegar, Ecosafe, Automatizar, Instalar, Refinar, Corrugar, Securitywire , Strongflex, Variforce, Coppersun.