Belararox: Drilling update at the TMT project

Belararox: Drilling update at the TMT project
Belararox: Drilling update at the TMT project
  • The first hole at Tambo South (TMT-TSU-DDH-001) concluded at 1028.60m, with trace copper sulphides observed.
  • The second hole at Tambo South (TMT-TSU-DDH-002) has commenced, targeting a depth of approximately 1300 meters.
  • Drilling at the Malambo copper-gold porphyry target is ongoing, with the first hole (TMT-MALDDH-001) at approximately 800m, showing encouraging signs of porphyry-style veining and trace copper sulphides.
  • Belararox continues to see promising indications of porphyry systems in both Tambo South and Malambo drill cores.

By Panorama Minero

Belararox Limited announced a drilling update at its highly prospective Tambo and Malambo prospects at the Toro-Malambo-Tambo (TMT) Project, located in San Juan Province.

The first drill hole at Tambo South (TMT-TSU-DDH-001) concluded at 1028.60 meters, revealing trace copper sulphides, but it did not reach the target depth. The hole stopped short of the main geochemical target due to drilling problems caused by unstable ground conditions.

The second hole (TMT-TSU-DDH-002) has commenced, aiming for a depth of approximately 1300 meters in the centre of the modelled porphyry centre.

Meanwhile, drilling at the Malambo copper-gold porphyry target is progressing well. The first hole (TMT-MALDDH-001) reached approximately 800 meters and showed promising signs of porphyry-style veining and trace copper sulphides.

The Company is well positioned to fulfil its drilling and exploration commitments at the TMT Project, with approximately A$7.0 million in available funding, and an additional A$2.4 million expected in mid-March from the final tranche of its recent successful placement.

The current drilling program is scheduled for completion by April.

The Managing Director, Arvind Misra, commented:

“The drilling to date has confirmed the geological modelling of the porphyries at Malambo and Tambo South.
The identified porphyry systems show promising signs, and we believe we are targeting the right areas to discover significant copper mineralization.
We eagerly await the results from the current and ongoing drilling program."

The intervals have been logged, the core cut, and samples will be sent to the ALS laboratory for assaying in the coming weeks.

Results are expected by the end of April 2025.

Published by: Panorama Minero

Category: News

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