For the first time, the mining chambers of Salta, Jujuy, and Catamarca come together to define a joint work agenda

For the first time, the mining chambers of Salta, Jujuy, and Catamarca come together to define a joint work agenda
For the first time, the mining chambers of Salta, Jujuy, and Catamarca come together to define a joint work agenda

This Tuesday, the presidents of the three mining chambers of the Argentine northern region, which bring together companies engaged in the exploration and operation of lithium, gold, silver, copper, and other minerals -the Chamber of Mining of Salta, the Mining Chamber of Catamarca, and the Mining Chamber of Jujuy- have marked a milestone by holding their first joint meeting to build a comprehensive work agenda for the sustainable mining development of the three provinces.

By Panorama Minero

The meeting aimed at articulating between the mining chambers, with a clear focus on comprehensive work and the establishment of a common strategy to promote the best proposals in terms of provincial regulations, standardization of norms, and promotion of good practices for the development of the mining industry in northern Argentina. The participants in this meeting were Simón Pérez Alsina, president of the Chamber of Mining of Salta and representative of Ganfeng Lithium; José Ignacio Costa, president of the Mining Chamber of Catamarca and representative of Arcadium Lithium (Minera del Altiplano); Carlos Carrillo, president of the Mining Chamber of Jujuy and also representative of Arcadium Lithium (Sales de Jujuy); Abás Tanus Mafud, executive director of the Mining Chamber of Catamarca; Marie-Pierre Lucesoli, manager of the Chamber of Mining of Salta; and Rubén Agüero, manager of the Mining Chamber of Jujuy.

About the Mining Chamber of Salta

Founded in 1965, the Chamber of Mining of Salta is an institution whose purpose is to promote the development of mining and related industries. It represents the interests of its members before public and private entities that can influence this productive activity. Since then, the Chamber has been accompanying and advising its members on technical, economic, legal, and social matters, while contributing to the dissemination of mining. The Chamber of Mining convenes national and foreign companies carrying out exploration or mining production activities in the province, along with other entities linked to the sector.
** About the Mining Chamber of Catamarca**

The Mining Chamber and Mining Industry of Catamarca aims to work in the province to promote mining activity for local, regional, and national development and promotion. It also promotes tools to enhance the sector in dialogue with community actors, provincial, municipal, and national authorities, and entities such as the Argentine Chamber of Mining Companies (CAEM) and Mining Chambers from other provinces.

About the Mining Chamber of Jujuy

The Mining Chamber of Jujuy (CMJ) is a non-profit entity that brings together companies engaged in mining activities in the territory of the province of Jujuy. Its objectives are to integrate the mining industry into society; promote good business practices by establishing internal codes of coexistence with society; and generate channels of communication and dialogue with the different actors of the community.

Published by: Panorama Minero

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