National Government Makes Official the Transfer of Minas Capillitas to the Province of Catamarca

National Government Makes Official the Transfer of Minas Capillitas to the Province of Catamarca
National Government Makes Official the Transfer of Minas Capillitas to the Province of Catamarca

The decree establishes the cession of assets and rights to CAMYEN S.E., which will assume full administration of the mine after a six-month transition period.

By Panorama Minero

The National Government formalized the transfer of the Capillitas Mining Facility to the Province of Catamarca through a presidential decree that will come into effect the day after its publication in the Official Gazette. The measure grants Catamarca Minera y Energética Sociedad del Estado (CAMYEN S.E.) ownership of the essential assets for the operation of the mine, along with all associated rights, movable and immovable property, and accessories related to the operation.

Located in the Andalgalá department in the Province of Catamarca, Minas Capillitas is the only mine in Argentina and one of the few in the world where the famous rhodochrosite is extracted. This semi-precious stone was named in the 1940s by the German scientist Franz Mansfeld, who discovered it in this mine and called it the "Rose of the Inca." Extraction began around 1938, and due to its geological and cultural significance, it is currently being considered by legislation to be declared a National Stone.

Its composition, based on manganese carbonate, makes it an important source of this metal, which is used in the production of steel and batteries. In the field of gemology, it is prized for its pink hues and white veins, being highly sought after in jewelry and crafts.

The decree establishes that the transfer of Minas Capillitas will be made in the current condition of the assets, including the “associated obligations and ongoing contracts.” The entire process must be carried out under the terms and conditions established in the previously agreed-upon model of the agreement.

To carry out the transfer, the Public Enterprise Transformation Agency of the Ministry of Economy, Military Factories State Company, and the Ministry of Defense must take the necessary actions within a maximum period of six months. Once this period is completed, CAMYEN S.E. will be able to fully exercise ownership, administration, and management of the mine.

The transfer represents a key step in the provincial policy of strengthening the mining sector and managing strategic resources, aligning with the goal of enhancing the development of the activity for the benefit of the province and its communities.

Published by: Panorama Minero

Category: News

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