Sponsorship Profile

Company Information
- Customer Service Email: info@mineraaguilar.com
- Address and Location: Maipu 1252 Piso 9, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires., 1006
Social Media
Description of the company
Minera Aguilar is a true working community founded on joint effort. With more than 91 years of operation, the Silver, Lead and Zinc mining deposit is located in the northwest of the country, 230 km from the city of San Salvador de Jujuy. It is located on the eastern slope of the Sierra Aguilar, with an elevation range of 3950 to 4910 meters above sea level.
Minera Aguilar is a true working community founded on joint effort and in which four generations of workers have developed. Throughout its history, specialized operators, technicians and professionals have been trained who are appreciated by the industry.
With the use of high technology, more efficient exploration and exploitation methods have been implemented, which have resulted in greater productivity with less human effort, applying the concept of "Safe Production"