Over 70 residents analyzed the cumulative impact of activities in the Río Los Patos and the Salar del Hombre Muerto during a participatory workshop aimed at agreeing on a sustainable development model.
By Panorama Minero
With the premise of evaluating the cumulative impact of productive activities in the region, a group of over 70 residents from Ciénaga Redonda, Salar del Hombre Muerto, Vega Trapiche, Antofalla, El Peñón, Los Nacimientos, and the town of Antofagasta de la Sierra gathered at the municipal warehouse of the departmental capital. The meeting was part of the second participatory workshop of an independent study, promoted by the Federal Investment Council (CFI), which aims to design an integrated environmental management plan.
The meeting was coordinated by the consulting firm in charge of the process and was attended by representatives of official bodies, companies with operations in the area, and different stakeholders linked to tourism and mining. A giant screen presentation was used to share the results of the ongoing study, addressing environmental, social, and cultural topics in accessible language for the community. Special attention was given to highly sensitive issues such as water use, energy, and waste and effluent management.
The workshop's dynamic promoted open dialogue, allowing attendees to raise concerns and generate constructive debate. The consultants, hired by the CFI, answered questions and facilitated the exchange of ideas regarding the region's development. At the close of the event, participants confirmed their commitment through a signed document.
The process will conclude on April 4th with the presentation of the final report, which will be published in both printed and digital formats for public consultation once approved by the CFI and submitted to the State Prosecutor's Office. This ensures transparency and citizen participation in the planning of sustainable development in Antofagasta de la Sierra.