Local Development: Glencore Pachón Trains Calingasta Residents with a Focus on Industrial Projects

Local Development: Glencore Pachón Trains Calingasta Residents with a Focus on Industrial Projects
Local Development: Glencore Pachón Trains Calingasta Residents with a Focus on Industrial Projects

The mining company Glencore Pachón, in collaboration with the construction firm Peri, conducted a training course on scaffolding assembly and use for residents of Calingasta, located in the province of San Juan. The initiative, which involved 22 participants, aims to strengthen technical and safety skills required for construction work, particularly in the context of large-scale mining projects.

By Panorama Minero

The training not only covered practical aspects but also focused on safety, providing participants with essential tools for entering industrial activities. "This action is part of Glencore Pachón’s efforts to promote local skill development and enhance employment opportunities in the region," the company stated.

Among the participants, Arturo Astudillo, 46, from Barreal, highlighted the personal impact of the training: "I signed up for the course to improve my employability. It’s always good to learn; knowledge never takes up space. My expectation is to work in mining and on a large-scale construction project." Similarly, José Pérez, 24, described the course as "very good, well explained, and well organized," while Elías Aguilera, 21, a resident of Villa Calingasta, emphasized the importance of the training for accessing new job opportunities in construction.

María Eugenia Basualdo, Glencore Pachón’s Community Relations leader, underscored the positive impact of these initiatives: "Mining can be a driver of progress by fostering training and creating job opportunities for residents of the communities where it operates. The company will continue promoting initiatives that contribute to the well-being of Calingasta and the growth of its people."

The goal of such initiatives is to enhance the local community’s employability and contribute to regional economic development, underscoring the role of mining in generating jobs and opportunities in its areas of influence.

Published by: Panorama Minero

Category: News

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