Liberty One Lithium – Accelerated Brine Resource Study in Pocitos West


As a direct result of its recently announced geophysical survey findings, Liberty One Lithium Corp. has submitted the requisite environmental and drilling applications in order to accelerate a study of the prospective thick, contiguous probable brine horizon suggested by geophysics throughout the entire 29km length of its mining property. Given the regional nature of lithium brine assets in the immediate area, the Company believes the potential for brine to exist beneath the majority of the 39,000-acre property license is highly probable.

In order to further evaluate the property, the Company and its operators have developed an operational plan in anticipation of imminently receiving the permit to drill up to 11 test holes. At this time, the Company expects to commence drilling operations in Q4 2017.

Anticipated results include determination of the geology, lithology and refinement of the existing geophysical interpretation. This includes brine sampling in order to better understand the chemistry, including lithium and potassium, amongst others. In addition, the proposed program will likely include a production-scale pumping test along with core sampling to determine N.I. 43-101 regulatory compliant porosity and permeability, which will be used in future resource determinations.

Upon concluding his visit to the property, Company CEO, Brad Nichol noted, «I am extremely pleased with the progress and results the Company has achieved to-date.» Nichol continues, “ I am confident we have the necessary components in place to build a large, successful lithium production company. We have the world’s preeminent go-to lithium team based in Argentina, led by a former 29-year Rio Tinto lithium expert and supported by local mining industry veterans including chemists, geologists, engineers, laboratory personnel, operators as well as one of the region’s foremost mining legal firms with extensive lithium brine experience.»

The property is located in Salta Province, which is ranked by respected Fraser Institute analysts as the #1 jurisdiction in Argentina and #3 locale in all of Latin America to do business. It is ideally proximal to a large diameter natural gas transmission line, high-voltage power and rail transportation. A national highway runs through the middle of the property and continues into Chile to an all-weather, all-year, deep-water port. The property is virtually surrounded by lithium discoveries, reserves and production, all of which are positioned in the renowned Lithium Triangle where over half of the world’s lithium is currently produced.

The Company, through its operating partner Millennial Lithium Corp., conducted a Vertical Electrical Soundings («VES») survey which detects variations in subsurface conductivity. As brine is highly conductive, it was the key subsurface target. Measurements collected at 11 stations along the 29 kilometer north-south extent of the tenements, based on comparative results with local and similar rock types bearing brines, indicates the possibility of a continuous, buried conductive horizon, contiguous with the salar lake beds. Thus, the entire 160 km2 of the property appears to contain subsurface brine, which suggests the potential for lithium mineralization throughout the property.


Argentina deepens its role in the lithium market

The transcendental trol that plays the “Lithium Triangle” conformed by Argentina, Chile and Bolivia is more and more evident. Our country has been the only jurisdiction to put a world-class operation into operation in almost a decade.

The Argentine lithium, located in the provinces of Catamarca, Jujuy and Salta, is one of the most valued. To the geological richness it is necessary to add the relative facility that implies to put into operation the operations of brine lithium.

Northwest Argentina is experiencing a revolutionary activity: dozens of projects at different levels of advance clearly state that Argentina is becoming a regional leader in lithium, a trend that will be accentuated by the growth in demand for this light metal, which is used in many applications.

You will have the opportunity to get in contact with the top lithium leaders in the 7° Edition of the International Seminar “Lithium in South America”, organized by PANORAMA MINERO. This event will take place during June 2018 in Salta city. You can access to more information in


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